Sauron Defeated (1992)

Sauron Defeated
J.R.R. Tolkien
Edited by Christopher Tolkien
1992 First U.S. Edition
Houghton Mifflin Company
Boston / New York
ISBN-10: 0395606497
ISBN-13: 9780395606490
Hardcover in dust-jacket
xii, 484 pp.
Illustrations by J.R.R. Tolkien and Christopher Tolkien
Hammond Page Ref.: p. 277
Tolkien Collector Ref.: Issue no. 2, p. 10

Typeset as for the Allen & Unwin 1992 First Edition.

1st Printing: October 27, 1992

At least thirteen printings issued and is available new.

Jacket price: $22.95; $29.95 by the 4th Printing; $30.00 with the 7th Printing.

The Return of the Shadow (1988) The Treason of Isengard (1989) The War of the Ring (1990)