The Two Towers (1965)

The Two Towers
J.R.R. Tolkien
1965 First Canadian Edition
Ballantine Books
PBN: U7041
PBN: 01534 (from 1969)

Mass market paperback
448 pp.
Cover illustration by Barbara Remington
Hammond Page Ref.: p. 120

Identical to the Ballantine Books 1965 Revised Edition aside from the ‘Printed in Canada‘ declaration on the copyright page. 6th and 7th Printings state ‘printed in Canada’ on the back cover.

1st Printing: November, 1965
2nd Printing: February, 1966
3rd Printing: August, 1966
4th Printing: April, 1967
5th Printing: April, 1968
6th Printing: April, 1969
7th Printing: December, 1969

RRP: $0.95? (multiple copies of the 4th Printing have been seen with the U.S. price of $0.95 blacked out). Sold in a set with The Fellowship of the Ring and The Return of the King.

The Fellowship of the Ring (1965) The Return of the King (1965) The Lord of the Rings (1966) The Lord of the Rings (1967)