The Return of the King (1965)

The Return of the King
J.R.R. Tolkien
1965 Revised Edition (Reset)
Ballantine Books
New York
PBN: U7042
PBN: 01535 (from 1970)
ISBN: 0345015355 (from 1972)
Mass market paperback
544 pp.
Cover illustration by Barbara Remington
Hammond Page Ref.: pp. 113-120

Reset and revised based on the Allen & Unwin 1955 First Edition. Published in Canada in November, 1965.

1st Printing: December, 1965*
2nd Printing: November, 1965*
3rd Printing: June, 1966
4th Printing: August, 1966
5th Printing: August, 1966
6th Printing: September, 1966
7th Printing: October, 1966
8th Printing: March, 1967
9th Printing: July, 1967
10th Printing: September, 1967
11th Printing: September, 1967
12th Printing: October, 1967
13th Printing: January, 1968
14th Printing: March, 1968
15th Printing: July, 1968
16th Printing: October, 1968^
17th Printing: March, 1969
18th Printing: June, 1969
19th Printing: August, 1969
20th Printing: October, 1969^
21st Printing: October, 1969^
22nd Printing: January, 1970
23rd Printing: March, 1970
24th Printing: June, 1970
25th Printing: September, 1970
26th Printing: November, 1970^
27th Printing: February, 1971
28th Printing: June, 1971
29th Printing: August, 1971**
30th Printing: November, 1971**^
31st Printing: December, 1971**
32nd Printing: January, 1972**
33rd Printing: July, 1972**^
34th Printing: August, 1972**
35th Printing: November, 1972**
36th Printing: March, 1973**
37th Printing: March, 1973
38th Printing: July, 1973^

Copies of the 39th Printing (1973 Ballantine Edition) have been seen bound with wrappers from this edition perhaps due to a surplus which Ballantine was eager not to waste.

An SBN code (345015355) was added to the copyright page with the 34th Printing.

RRP: $0.95. Sold in a set with The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers.

*With the 2nd Printing, the 1st Printing date was changed to October, 1965 which is thought to be correct.

**For the 34th Printing ‘History’ list, the dates for the following printings were temporarily changed: 29th ➔ September, 1971; 31st ➔ January, 1972.
For the 35th Printing ‘History’ list, the dates for the following printings were temporarily changed: 29th ➔ November, 1971; 32nd ➔ December, 1971; 34th ➔ September, 1972 and the following printing dates were permanently changed: 30th ➔ December, 1971; 33rd ➔ September, 1972.
With the 36th Printing ‘History’ list, the dates for the following printings were changed: 32nd ➔ July, 1972; 34th ➔ November, 1972.

^Not yet seen, may not exist.


The Hobbit (1965) The Hobbit (1966) The Fellowship of the Ring (1965) The Two Towers (1965) The Lord of the Rings (1965) The Lord of the Rings (1966) The Lord of the Rings (1967)